Phatco Customs Krytac Division is a subsidiary of the Phatco Customs brand. Krytac division offers the same quality, durability, reliability but with new ideas and innovation.  We are proud to offer work to nearly every brand of replica on the market, including but not limited to Krytac, Cyma, Dytac, G&G, and King Arms, specializing in version 2, 2.5, 3, and LMG gearboxes. Krytac division for a lack of a better description will work on almost everything else that the normal Phatco Customs will not.

Krytac division is proud to offer LMGs, rifles, SMGs, and more for your airsoft needs. Krytac division also offers high-speed builds such as DSGs and CQB type builds. We strive to have the same fundamentals as the original Phatco Customs with a little more diversity. Meaning we place an emphasis on quality, durability, and reliability within our builds, regardless of the build. We strive to provide the best performance possible out of the replicas while still being able to offer the unbeatable customer service that we do.

Krytac Division is typically set up at the Phatco booth at American Milsim games to allow customers the ability to interact with us and try out the replicas before you buy one. We offer the same unbeatable warranty that emphasizes our goal to ensure that you have the best time possible with your Phatco Customs replica.